Caroline's Musical Genius
This is the official Caroline Banewicz fan site, dedicated to all of her work from before her rise to fame at Barstool Sports to her current activities in NYC.

While Caroline is little know, pretty much anywhere, she has a huge following on Instagram and is destined to be an A List Celebrity soon.

We will track her movements from job to job, apartment to apartment and even camp out at her doorstep to bring you the most up to date details about her life as a celebrity.

Mr Dog Poop (Coroline's biggest fan) has his 1972 Polaroid Land Camera ready to snap paparazzi style pictures every day when she leaves her apartment and travels around the city.

Make sure you subscribe to our website so you know can get the latest updates on Caroline as her amazing career progresses.

She is a fabulous comedian and song writer with videos and content that will make your day!